

Notes From Jody Johnson, CEO & Founder 

In like a lion means out like a lamb. It is said that when March weather roars in like a lion, it will end soft and warm like a lamb. Was your March roaring at you? Ours sure was. In the first quarter of this year, we had multiple moves within our Management team combined with March Madness for lead generation bringing tons of new orders and deals. This March also marks a year since the Covid-19 pandemic would alter family life, disrupt business, and force everyone into isolation. Outside of Covid-19, 2020 brought a slew of other challenges for the world to deal with.  As we close out the first quarter of 2021, some of us here in Texas are still recovering from the winter storms that hit us hard in February and I will just say that some of the shrubs did not make it back.

Is this newsletter starting to sound like a bit of a downer? On the contrary. In the loss, there is also new life that can begin. On April 2, Good Friday, we commemorated death and crucifixion that took place on Calvary that would allow all of us to be resurrected in Christ and have the option to receive the gift of everlasting life. On Easter, we recognized that He has Risen. What a beautiful prophecy brought to fruition and a perfect time to reflect. In John 10:10 He says, "I have come to give you life and life more abundantly." We have taken this verse to serve as our banner at ProspectHunter and declare this will be a year full of life and life more abundantly. 


Highlights from Q1: 

  1. We mastered new technology allowing us to get into 10x the number of conversations. This innovation will yield compound interest and put us significantly ahead of our competition in the months and years to come.
  2. Jerry Jones is a great owner but a terrible GM. Admittingly, I have been a bit of a Jerry Jones with our marketing, so we went out and found a Marketing Guru in Valerie Hite. We are super excited about this.
  3. We successfully launched our Inbound Marketing offering that brings extended social media programs and web enhancement services to our ProspectHunter partners.
  4. Performance-based lead generation was once looked at as a cardinal sin because of the adversarial relationship it creates between client and vendor, but we are happy to report we have found a way to make it work and work well. 


Seasons Change 

 2020 will serve as the compost to our ProspectHunter flower beds as we turn over the soil for planting to take place. This is an amazing time of year for us and not just because we get to remember that two thousand and twenty-one years ago, we were all set free, but also because we get to celebrate the anniversary and birth of this great company we represent. On April 25th ProspectHunter celebrates our 9th year and will continue to impact people with future generations in mind. As we close out Q1, we are on pace to double our yearly revenue which puts us on track to see a record-setting year of growth. 

As you work in your yard and notice the seasons change and bring in new life, let us all search our hearts for something that might need to be turned over into compost so that something new can blossom. 



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